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Showing posts from June, 2005
What is wrong if I declare main something like this? const int MYMAX_PARA=10; int main(int argc, char *(*argv)[MYMAX_PARA], char *env[]) printf("%s %s",(*argv)[1],env[2]); When I want to pass a double by reference I use 'pointer to double'. When I want to pass a structure by reference I use 'pointer to structure'. Then why not 'pointer to array' when passing array by reference? Why is there and exception in case of arrays? I try to think why array-to-pointer 'decay' occurs in C/C++, I think of above example. To me, the answer is about simplicity of coding. In above example, argv++ won't give you next argument but rather next array of arguments. To get next argument you need to do (*argv)[2] (*argv)[3] and so on. So decay simplifies your coding and avoids pointer to array syntax. This rules out char *(*argv)[]. And BTW, third parameter in main is 'recommended' by standard. Standard demands: int main() { /* ... */ } AND int main(int a...
Some syntax clarification: This is a short syntax tutorial for upcoming posts. int *p; // a pointer to an integer int &p; // a reference to an integer const int *p; // pointer to a constant integer int const *p; // same as above int * const p; // constant pointer to an integer const int * const p; // constant pointer to a constant integer const int * const *p; // a pointer to a constant pointer to a constant integer But references are implicitly constant, therefore, int & const p; // is not allowed const int & const p; // is not allowed int (*q)[10] // a pointer to an array of 10 integers int (&q)[10] // a reference to an array of 10 integers. Yes, they are supported. int (*q)(char) // a pointer to a function int (&q)(char) // a reference to a function int *&q // A reference to a pointer to an integer. And this too is supported. int (*&q)[10] // a reference to a pointer to an array of 10 integers. Similar to passing integer by reference to change it inside a...
Reading entire file in one go. Solution 1: std::ifstream in(""); std::istreambuf_iterator < char > begin(in), end; std::string str(begin, end); Solution 2: std::ifstream input(""); std::ostringstream temp; temp std::string str = temp.str(); In both the cases, std::cout will print out entire file. Perl solution: open CIRCLE, ""; @mylist = <CIRCLE> ; close CIRCLE; C++ and Perl both take 3 lines of code. Not bad for a system programming language!!
An interesting consequence of decay related rules of pointers and references is that seemingly correct C++ code fails to compile. We have a max() template with pretty obvious implementation for basic types. template < typename T > T & max (T &a,T &b); but, max("APPLE","PEAR"); Gives an error, because type of "APPLE" is const char [6] type of "PEAR" is const char [5] T can't be "const char [6]" AND "const char [5]" at the same time!! No array-to-pointer decay occurs here. Above thing will work for following declaration of max template < typename T > T max (T a, T b); Here T is char *!!
pointer cause decay, references do not. Decay means loss of type information. In C and C++, an array name 'decays' to pointer to the first element. The information lost is basically the number of elements in the array. This difference should be manifested by sizeof() operator in function f() and g(). References keep that information with them. such as 'constness' of int. Function names are also said to 'decay' into pointer to the function if only function name is used. But such a function pointer retains, I think, everything about the function signature: parameter types and function return type; even in C. With following declarations, template < typename T > void f (T); template < typename T > void g (T &); and with these declarations, double x[20]; int const seven = 7; f(x); T is double * g(x); T is double [20] f(seven); T is int g(seven); T is int const f(7); T is int g(7); T is int, ERROR can't pass 7 to int& Therefore, pointer cause d...
I love C++ programming language for its power and complexity!! To me, its enormity and complexity has been an incessant source of different features to understand. C++ is still evolving, therefore, I'll have new stuff to learn for quite a while. Many of the C++ features are quite exotic and thats why I am interested in them. On this blog you will find exotic C++ stuff such as core language features, idioms, patterns, C++ emerging standards etc. This is not a beginners blog. You will find here intermediate to advanced level material on C++. I also plan to put new C++ material as I learn it. You might find thoughts presented here already presented somewhere else like popular C++ books, magazines, e-zines, websites, blogs etc. This is becasue I learn from these popular sources. Site Feed URL: WhoamI? I am not a guru in C++. But I put serious efforts into learning anything remotely related to C++. More about me: