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Fun with C++14 Lambdas at Silicon Valley Code Camp

Believe it or not, but the 9th Silicon Valley Code Camp is less than 2 weeks away and I can't wait to be at the largest software technology conference setup by developers for developers---and here is the best part---at no cost to the attendees. So far, there are 234 registered sessions, 7 technical tracks, and over 3100 registrations. So mark your calendar--it's October 11th and 12th, Saturday and Sunday, as always.

C++ is hot again at SVCC and third year in a row there is a dedicated track for modern C++. There are 11 sessions covering a wide variety of topics related to modern C++ programming.

I wanna thank SVCC organizers who generously allowed me to present two sessions: The first one is titled: Fun with Lambdas: C++14 Style[video]. You may be following the Fun with Lambdas series on this blog and hopefully having some fun too! I'll present a sampling of the content discussed here with new insights. Check out part 1, part 2, and part 3 if you haven't already. Come see how functional programming techniques are going to change the face of C++ programming beyond recognition.

Fun with Lambdas: C++14 Style from Sumant Tambe on Vimeo.

The second sessions is about Reactive Programming with DDS and Rx[video]. It's about functional programming again but this time it's going to be C#. Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a fascinating new technique to compose asynchronous and event-based programs using observables and LINQ-style query operators. It fits extremely well with DDS--a data distribution technology for networked real-time systems. I'll demo commonly used Rx operators with real data coming off of a toy DDS example. More on that here.

Reactive Stream Processing Using DDS and Rx from Sumant Tambe on Vimeo.

All in all, I'm anticipating the SVCC'14 to be a pretty busy weekend once again with a lot of learning and sharing. If you are in the area and decide to attend, stop by and say hi!


Unknown said…
An excellent work without doubt. People like you are serving the field of programming without any reward. I really appreciate your work. I have also done something for the students who are willing to learn C++ in Urdu . Keep it up.
Sumant said…
@awais kamran: Thanks! C++ in Urdu looks pretty neat. Bahut hi acche tarike se apane samazaya hai C++ ko.
Manoj Kumar said…
Very Nice ! Your Hard Work for the Post

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