std::accumulate makes a ton of copies internally. In fact it's 2x the size of the number of elements in the iterator range. To fix, use std::ref and std::reference_wrapper for the initial state. std::shared_ptr is also a possibility if the accumulated state must be dynamically allocated for some reason. Live code on wandbox.
Update: Please see alternative solutions in the comments section.
Update: Please see alternative solutions in the comments section.
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <numeric> #include <functional> struct Vector : public std::vector<int> { Vector(std::initializer_list<int> il) : std::vector<int>(il){ std::cout << "Vector(std::initializer_list)\n"; } Vector() { std::cout << "Vector()\n"; } Vector(const Vector &v) : std::vector<int>(v) { std::cout << "Vector(const Vector &)\n"; } Vector & operator = (const Vector &v) { if (this != &v) { std::vector<int>::operator=(v); std::cout << "Vector& Vector::operator=(const Vector &)\n"; } return *this; } Vector & operator = (Vector && v) { if (this != &v) { std::vector<int>::operator=(std::move(v)); std::cout << "Vector& Vector::operator=(Vector&&)\n"; } return *this; } Vector(Vector&& v) : std::vector<int>(std::move(v)) { std::cout << "Vector(Vector&&)\n"; } }; void copy_accumulate(Vector &v) { Vector v2 = std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), Vector(), [](Vector & v, int i) { v.push_back(i); return v; }); std::cout << "size of v2 = " << v2.size() << "\n"; } void nocopy_accumulate(Vector &v) { Vector init; Vector v2 = std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), std::ref(init), [](std::reference_wrapper<Vector> v, int i) { v.get().push_back(i); return v; }); std::cout << "size of v2 = " << v2.size() << "\n"; } int main() { Vector v { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; copy_accumulate(v); std::cout << "=============\n"; nocopy_accumulate(v); }
void copy_accumulate(Vector &v) {
Vector v2 = std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), Vector(),
[](Vector & v, int i)->Vector& {
return v;
std::cout << "size of v2 = " << v2.size() << "\n";
Vector v2 = std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), Vector(),
[] (Vector& v, int i) {
return std::ref(v);
std::cout << "size of v2 = " << v2.size() << "\n";